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Come to a yoga class for example (in person or online) and immediately stop understanding the language spoken by the yoga teacher? Then these 5 words will help you at first in overcoming the “language barrier”.

Relax, your yoga teacher is not speaking gibberish, he is just using words from Sanskrit – an ancient language. Here is a selection of five Sanskrit words that are most often heard in class:

Sanskrit verse from Bhagavad Gita

1. Asana
Sometimes you can find a variant when the stress is placed on the second syllable – asana. Perhaps this pronunciation gives the word a certain charm. However, it is correct to say Asana with stress on the first syllable. Literally it translates as “sitting position, place”, but the word “pose” is more applicable to yoga classes, for example, Balasana – “child’s pose”, Navasana – “boat pose”, etc.

2. Namaste
For many, this is a favorite word in Sanskrit, because it is so pleasant to speak in ma-ste, which means “the divine light within me welcomes the divine light within you.” “You are wonderful, all these people are so wonderful. Isn’t it great that we just did yoga all together. Thank you for sharing this with me. ”

3. Ohm (Om)
Ooooooooouummm. This is what the universe is supposed to sound like. The outline of this image has become a universal symbol of yoga: it adorns the walls of yoga studios and is known to many. But what does this sign carry in itself? He says that all of you and I are essentially part of one Universe, infinite, eternally in motion and development. Therefore, when we chant the mantra Om, then we are attuned to cosmic vibrations.

4. Shanti
Santhi means peace. By reciting the mantra “Om Shanti Shanti Shanti”, we thereby invoke peace not only for ourselves, but throughout the world. In various yoga traditions, “shanti” is repeated three times, symbolizing the calmness of the body, speech and mind.

5. Yoga
We all know that yoga is the unity of body, soul and mind. It is translated as “connection, unity” and really helps practitioners to restore this trinity. But yoga is capable of something more, establishing a connection with our inner world, other people, the world in general, and, ultimately, leading us to the truth.