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Resolving growing up problems

The child grows, learns the world, and he has many questions about that parents often find it difficult to answer due to the unexpectedness of their topics. But it is necessary to answer, because the child will still receive the answer, but it can be in a very twisted form. Therefore, parents themselves need to tell their child about the problems that interest him – the life of an adult.

The first topic in which the child shows interest is his birth. In this case, the child needs to explain its origin, but without detail. For example, to tell that he grew up in his mother’s tummy and compare it with the appearance of a flower from a seed. He asks a question about the role of dad in the appearance of a child a little later, but still you need to give a short answer and without details, while special emphasis should be placed on the love between mom and dad. When telling a child about his appearance, one should constantly talk about how they were waiting for him and rejoiced at his appearance.

Children grow up, and in some period they may have problems that are associated with children’s masturbation and This often frightens parents and pushes them to do the wrong things in relation to the child. The best prevention of this problem is to teach the child to personal hygiene. But if suddenly you notice what the child is doing, you should not yell at him or punish him, just try to switch his attention.

When growing up, a child faces a variety of problems, including the danger that can lie in wait for him on the street in the face of adolescents and adults exploring the sexual world. Therefore, the child needs to be constantly explained that one should not walk with strangers, not be allowed to touch the genitals, and if suddenly an outside uncle calls persistently to go with him, you need to call for help. These are the simplest safety rules that a child needs to follow.