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What are verbs

What are verbs

What are verbs this difference in organization we all have a few different kinds of memory, different storage time.
In the long term, we only store what we constantly think about and use regularly. And we keep it for decades. Short-term is used to store current information, it is sometimes delayed there for several weeks, but then, if not used, disappears. The brain, like a person, does not like to work when it is not motivated, too much energy is spent in this process. Instantaneous memory is designed to work for moments and seconds. It works, for example, when assessing the traffic situation, tracking a moving object. But if we take a look or concentrate on something else, all the information in it “zeroes”.

The process of transition of information from short-term memory to long-term memory is an active process in the brain that requires a lot of energy. If we overload short-term memory without giving the brain time to transfer important information from it to long-term memory, the efficiency of memory is reduced. Therefore, with active learning small periods of rest and relaxation are necessary.

The development of short-term and instantaneous components of our memory is a direct way to increase the effectiveness of long-term memory, which ultimately affects our cognitive math games for 1st grade abilities (our intellect). And they can only be developed through training and constant use in everyday life.

But that’s not all. Practice shows that the best thing to remember is that which arouses interest, is understandable and accompanied by emotions. Nibbling “whatever it takes” is a waste of time. And since everyone’s interests are different, so the material for training should be different. That’s why the advice to improve memory by memorizing poems, which is common and repeated from manual to manual, does not help everyone. What should those who are indifferent to poetry do?

What are verbs

Actually, it is based on these two principles: short-term memory training using a variety of information and the work of numerous computer programs. Such memory training differs from the usual one only in that it uses images of objects, not the objects themselves, which greatly facilitates the organization of the process itself. Anything can be simulated on a computer.

Instant (working) memory training
We have already said that the development of short-term and instantaneous memory is the key to the whole process of remembering. This memory is also valuable because it processes not only external information, but also long-term and short-term memory. In fact, many researchers believe that her work is the process of thinking.

It does not make much sense to enumerate existing computer programs for memory development. Suffice it to say two things:

any person can find among this set a program useful for him/her;
all of them, with a few exceptions, have one characteristic drawback: the limited set and uniformity of tests makes complex memory training impossible.